Oracle, High Priestess, Spiritual Guide, Intuitive Channel, Mystic, Mindset Mentor... these are just a few of the things people call me.
Yet no label or name can quite describe fully what it is that I do. I re-awaken my people to who they are. The God in human form that has forgotten how powerful, how perfect and how uncondionally loved and suppported they are.
Magic lead me back home to this truth. The mysterious and awe-inspiring chain of events that unfolded which shook me awake out of my own deep slumber.
For the first part of my life I was dealing with feelings of loneliness. A sense of never belonging. I felt I was different from everyone else, so different. And very critical and judgemental towards myself too in all sorts of ways. Which is quite a natural result of having been abandoned by my mother as a 3 year old, and having to spend the next 5 years in an orphanage.
Sure there were friends to play with (we were 3 girls living in my room), and friendly adults that looked after us. But none of them were "my" people. None of them felt like home.
As difficult as our early years may have been, it's all serving its purpose. The human drama playing out and pushes us in its special ways until we must wake up and remember who the fuck we are. The True Self... underneath the old stories, fears and insecurities. Which in the end of the day, regardless of how heavy they may feel in the human body, are nothing but illusions.
What's true is our soul, our pure essence. The etheral being that has no name, no body, it has no stories nor baggage to carry. That's freedom. That's abundance. That's love. That's who you are.
When you give yourself permission to let go of your baggage and return to your True Self, you become a radiant magnet to everything you desire. While still asleep on the other hand, life has a tendenacy to feel like a neverending uphill.
It's painful to be separated from truth. Being stuck in the illusions of old stories that does nothing but keep you chained to the past. The stories that prevent us from living our happiest, most fulfilled lives. And unfortunately they create drama, tension and dis-ease not only within our own being, but in relation with others too.
My mission on this earth is to set you free, to become who you were always meant to be. And then teach you how to use the magnetic force within your soul so that you can manifest health, wealth and happiness in all areas of your life.
To be able to fully land in my mission, I had to first learn to love myself, and to unlearn how unloved I use to feel. I needed to invite pure, uncondional love into my heart again. That's when I finally found my home. The peace of mind that I had always longed for.
No wonder, as love is our true nature. Everything that isn't love is untrue. And it feels so damn good to be reunited with your true original essence once again. Not needing anybody else to fill the imaginary holes from stories long gone.
I want this freedom and this love for you too.
My spiritual journey began in 2009 when I embarked on a sailing journey around the world with my then French boyfriend. For the next 7 years I sailed across oceans, oftentimes singlehanded as my partner was down below for his nighttime rest. This period of my life began to awaken a deeper connection with my true self than I had ever befriended before.
I began to notice how life, nature, source energy was always on my side. Protecting me, even in the stormiest seas on nights of thunder and lighthing all around us. I also noticed how the weather was affected by the dynamic between my partner and I.... it was as if it always got dark and stormy when we had an argument. And when we were in sync with each other, the sun always seemed to shine.
After the 7 years at sea, I began to work with the grandmother plant Ayahuasca. And that's when my deep healing really took off. I was guided to go into all of the places within that I had avoided or supressed. I learned that I had been unconsciosuly manifesting the same types of situations, relationships and struggles. Not because there was anything wrong with me, but because I was following a program that was part of the conditioning I had gone through as a child.
And the most fascinating discovery was to find out that I could change the program and set myself free to create whatever life I wanted for myself. No matter what my early life may have looked like. As long as I rewrote the story and installed new beliefs.
And that I did.
I began my path of serving by becoming a Holistic Health Coach, which later led me into Life Coaching. In the midst of that I got pregnant and became a mother to my beautiful son Rowan. He brought me the geratest healing and peace of mind I had ever felt. And I swore to always continue to heal and grow, for his sake.
With all of the healing and the various modalities I have applied and studied, ranging from hypnosis, NLP, subconscious reprogramming to various plant medicines and meditation in all its beautiful forms, I have been able to rewrite the story of my life and create my own dream life. Free from all the self sabotage that used to be my reality.
My life today is full of love, abundance, travel, incredible friendships, the most connected relationship with my son, a wonderfully liberated unschooling life for him, and the most amazing clients that love my work and how I serve, guide and support them.
I live on the gorgeous abundant island of Ibiza, a place I truly feel at home. I host retreats every so often, as I love to connect face to face with my clients and give them a magical experience of a lifetime.
Maybe I will see you on the next one!
It's my pleasure to have you here and to get to know you. Feel free to message at any time if you have questions about what I offer, or the work that I do.
All my love,